Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sustainable Community Trainings

Dear friends,
As someone who is concerned about our current global crisis, I know
that, like me, you are motivated to take positive action. "But how
do I start?" is a common question.

Do you long to create more supportive community in your life? Would
you like to lead a more earth-friendly lifestyle but sometimes find
the choices overwhelming? Come join us for a weekend or a week at
EcoVillage at Ithaca, an internationally recognized example of
sustainable community development.

Our popular EcoVillage Experience Weekends offer an immersion in
sustainable community living. Enjoy a balance of nature connection
and personal renewal along with a hands-on experience of community
learning, organic farming, green building, and more. EcoVillage
Experience Weekends are offered May 4-6, June 8-10, and September
7-9. For further details, please see

Creating Sustainable Communities: The Social Dimension, is an
exciting training session for those who want to learn how to start or
improve their own communities, whether in urban neighborhoods, or
housing cooperatives or ecovillages. This July 7-14 workshop will
introduce skills for creating shared vision and values, constructive
approaches to conflict, mutual support and celebration, and
sustainable behavior and culture change. For further details, please
see http://www.ecovillage.ithaca.ny.us/csc2007.pdf

All of our programs include an immersion in daily life at our
ecovillage as well as empowering tools and resources that you can use
in your world back home. Many people tell us that just visiting for a
few hours has influenced them with a profound sense of hope. Imagine
what a full weekend or a week can do!

Our scholarship program and commuter rates are designed to make these
programs accessible to as many people as possible. Please plan to
register early, as we expect the programs to fill up.

Yours for a sustainable world,

Liz Walker, Executive Director Elan Shapiro, Education Coordinator
115 Rachel Carson Way Ithaca, New York 14850 (607) 272 5149

Elan Shapiro
Sustainable Tompkins Program Co-Chair
Sustainable Living Associates, Principal
Frog's Way B&B
211 Rachel Carson Way
Ithaca, NY 14850

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