Friday, March 9, 2007

UK Green Building Council Launched

from World Green Building Council Homepage by
The World Green Building Council is pleased to recognise the UKGBC as our latest member.

On the 27th of February 2007 UK's leading built environment organisations launched the UK Green Building Council, with the aim of dramatically improving the sustainability of the built environment within the next ten years.

1 comment:

Juvarya Veltkamp said...

I friend of mine works in property management in Vietnam and is hoping to start 'greening' his next project fit out. I'm working on helping him get some resources together, and there is in fact a small group of people also trying to launch a Green Building Council there, which I was excited to hear about.

In the UK the Association for Environment Conscious Building ( has been one major player in forming sustainable design standards but it does seem to be more fragmented and hopefully the GBC will be able to play a role in formulating a unified standard.

Hopefully I can add you to my linked in network, and you can visit my blog at htp://